Euroestat publishes the report on the rental price in Tirana for 2018

July 22, 2020

Compared to a year ago, rental prices in Tirana have increased. According to the publication of Eurostat (European Agency of Statistics) compared to a year ago the increase is presented in the following table:

2017 350 Euro  520 Euro 670 Euro 1350 Euro 
2018 370 Euro  540 Euro 730 Euro 1400 Euro 
Rritja/Euro 20 Euro 20 Euro 60 Euro 50 Euro 

In total, Eurostat estimates that rental prices compared to a year ago increased by 6%, a figure almost close to Albania’s inflation that was published by INSTAT in early 2018. Areas that have been considered for Analyzing the increase in prices are the elite residential areas in Tirana, as well as areas where villa-type constructions are concentrated. Even this year, Serbia, by region is the place where apartment rents are highest. For the same area, ie for a 3 + 1 house, with an area of 110-130 m2, the average rent in Serbia was 1350 euros, while in Bosnia 820 euros. For 2 + 1 houses, with an area of 80-100 m2, Albania and Bosnia have the same level, with an average monthly rent of 540 euros, while in Serbia 960 euros. For more details refer to the chart below:

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